Final Fantasy XV Director Hajime Tabata verlässt Square Enix

Während des Final Fantasy XV Broadcast hat der Director des Spiels bekannt gegeben, dass er Square Enix und Luminous Productions verlassen wird. Tabata hat die Regie von Tetsuya Nomura während der Entwicklung von Final Fantasy XV übernommen und war auch Director bei Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII und Final Fantasy Type-0. Außerdem hat er eine offizielle Stellungnahme bereit gestellt, die wie folgt lautet:

To Everyone Watching the Program,

Hello, this is Tabata.

It’s almost going to be 2 whole years since the release of FFXV. I honestly believe the reason we were able to get this far is because of all you loyal fans. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Today, I have a personal announcement to make to all of you. I, Hajime Tabata, will be resigning from Luminous Productions and the Square Enix Group as of October 31, 2018.

I was able to gain so much experience with my time at Square Enix. Every title I was able to be a part of means a lot to me. However, FFXV stood out from that group as it was a special project for me which I went all-in.

Therefore, I decided to take this opportunity to officially announce my departure from FFXV to all the fans who have supported the title across the globe.

In regards to my next endeavors and near future, I have a project that I truly wish to solidify as my next challenge after FFXV. For that reason, I have decided to leave my current position and start my own business in order to achieve my goal.

As production of Episode Ardyn continues and Luminous Productions works on new projects, I felt that it was time for me to hand over the torch to the next generation group of talented and trustworthy colleagues and believe that they will create something amazing.

From this day on, I will cheer on and support Square Enix and Luminous Productions together with all you fans.

I would like to thank everyone who continue to support FFXV and those who have also supported myself personally.

Hajime Tabata


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