Batman: Arkham Knight – Erneut großer Patch für PC-Version erschienen

Nach den zum Teil immer noch extremen Probleme mit der PC-Version des Action-Spiels Batman: Arkham Knight starten die Entwickler einen Versuch das Spiel zu retten. Rocksteady und Publisher Warner Bros. haben nun einen weiteren großen Patch für die in starke geratene PC-Version des wohl letzten Teils der Batman-Reihe. Mit diesem Update wurden fehlende Effekte, wie beispielsweise der Regen, hinzugefügt oder aber simple Performance-Verbesserungen vorgenommen. Die bisherigen Änderungen liegen uns bisher nur im englischen Original vor, hier ein Auszug aus den Patchnotes:


  • Fixed some issues with stars being awarded or lost incorrectly in specific AR Challenges
  • Improved target prioritization during combat
  • Restored heavier rain during the opening section of the game
  • Fixed missing rain effects on a few remaining player character skins
  • Miscellaneous gameplay fixes and stability improvements
  • Fixes to some keyboard and mouse prompts after being rebound
  • Made frame times more consistent for 60hz monitors running at 30fps with VSync enabled
  • Previously equipped gadgets can be selected with keyboard and mouse again after restarting an AR Challenge
  • Fixed the default key binding for Harley’s Snare gadget
  • Batgirl’s Remote Hacking Device can now be properly selected with keyboard & mouse in AR Challenges
  • Minor performance optimizations for certain combinations of hardware
  • Fixed keyboard & mouse controls that did not function in DLC AR Challenges when no previous save data existed
  • Quick Photo Mode can now be triggered with keyboard and mouse controls when using the Batmobile
  • Special Combo Takedowns can now be performed with Quickfire Gadget binds if they were rebound
  • Fixed graphical corruption that may occur after Alt-Tabbing
  • Improvements and corrections to some localized text
  • Added new Classic Harley Quinn skin for use in AR Challenges & the Harley Quinn Story Pack
  • Added Arkham Knight as a playable character for AR Challenges & the Red Hood Story Pack
  • Added support for December DLC content

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